Using Cursor is one of my favorite option while i need to perform a loop for an undefined sets of data, though this might cost you operational in-effeciency and memory leakage problems. Hence i suggest you DO NOT use cursor until you need to perform row by row operations on a list of data.
Before Starting with an example, lets go through basic working principle of using cursor in MSSQL.
First you need to define a temporary variable (which is a normal variable) to fetch particular column value into it for operation.
Then you define the cursor name along with data-type you need to hold and the query that fetches a list of the values.
And after you get all these values you fetch data until all the data have been fetched.
Lets see an Example.

— temporary variable that holds the data from cursor 

— now define cursor and its source
DECLARE cursor_Author_ID
                  CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR 
                 SELECT au_id FROM authors

open cursor
OPEN cursor_Author_ID
–fetch first Data
–keep fetching data until all data have been read
               —write your code here, use the ID

                   –keep fetching data until all data have been read  

                    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_Author_ID  INTO  
you need to close the cursor like any file, after opening it
 CLOSE cursor_Author_ID  
— deallocate the cursor to release all the resources used by it and 
— also reuse the for other variables
 DEALLOCATE  cursor_Author_ID